While carbohydrates have been considered as the best suppliers of instant energy and activity, the diet conscious community have pushed it towards bad mass for body. The prevalence of keto diet especially focuses on avoiding starchy diet due its capability of causing obesity. However, carbs on a moderate portion are not fattening. For being the sole energy source for brain, glucose is one of the most vital nutrient for effective functioning of an individual. The sweet taste of carbohydrates not only is refreshing for mood but also maintains healthy gut environment by its fiber component. Longevity of older people is believed to be associated with lots of carbohydrate consumption.
Carbohydrates serve several important function in the body in addition to providing energy. Detailed analysis of these benefits provide the evidence of why carbohydrates are essential for a healthy living.
Health Benefits of Carbohydrates
Weight control
The myth that carbohydrate consumption leads to obesity has shifted the dietary preferences of many individual to keto diet containing greater portion of fat and very low carb content. The assumption of carb related obesity exclaims that the insulin levels raised as a result of higher glucose concentration in blood causes the storage of excess calories in the form of fat. Thus, the chances of a person getting obese is raised due to deposition of fat in the body. However, cutting on carbs is not the solution as almost all of the body’s cells utilize glucose as energy source. Therefore, a moderation in sugar intake can help prevent obesity in addition to the provision of adequate nutrition for the cells.

Mood regulation
Do you feel happy after eating anything sweet? Most of our happy moments involve sharing an ice cream with friends or celebrating our special days with cakes and pastries. All these sweet delights actually add to our happiness by increasing the production and release of a hormone termed serotonin. The hormone itself is called hormone of happiness as per its effect on mood regulation. Thus, increasing carbs in periods of sadness can really elevate mood and help you feel better.

Gut health maintenance
The fiber component of carbohydrates, cellulose is the indigestible polysaccharide that adds bulk to feces and aids its smooth flow through the gut. In the presence of fiber, the absorption of nutrients from diet takes longer thereby playing a part in weight management. The prolonged feeling of fullness due to slow digestion allows a person to improve health and reduce weight. Carbohydrates, as fiber, also are an energy source for good bacteria of the gut that is beneficial for intestinal health. These bacteria feed on fiber and thus promote their growth. The fermentation by such bacteria produces short chain fatty acids that kill the infectious bacteria that enters the intestine through food or air (due to swallowed mucus).

Food for brain and muscle
The brain needs fuel for its working which is provided by the carbohydrates. When a person is in the state of low blood glucose (Hypoglycemia), symptoms such as pallor, lightheadedness, slurred speech, confusion, blurred vision and affected memory appear. All these are indicative of abnormal brain function due to lack of the energy source it needs to function effectively. Carbohydrates are also stored in muscles in the form of glycogen. Increasing muscle mass and strength requires increased amount of muscle glycogen to provide the intense workout performance. In low carb conditions, muscle breakdown is obvious as the process of gluconeogenesis utilizes muscle proteins.

Best fuel source for body
Almost all cell of the body depend upon carbohydrates for energy. Also the vital organs i.e. brain, kidney, muscles, heart, all requires sugar as food for their functions. The presence of salivary amylases, enzymes that digest starch, in the mouth is indicative of the fact that carbohydrate digestion begins instantly while in the mouth. This effective digestion serves the role of making carbohydrates the most suitable energy source for the body. Legumes, vegetables and other sources of good carbs can maintain exceptional heart health by reducing inflammation and consequently, plaque formation in major vessels of the heart.

Food sources of carbohydrates
- Fruits: apples, mangoes, oranges, bananas, melons etc
- Vegetables: potatoes, peas, corn, sweet potatoes, beets
- Grains: rice, cereals, oats, quinoa
- Dairy products: milk, yoghurt, cheese
- Legumes: lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, peas

Legumes are considered as superfood because they are rich in protein and fiber hence promoting satiety. Low glycemic index of legumes allows the body to use these carbohydrates slowly serving as continuous nutrition source for brain and the body. Due to their role in managing blood pressure and blood sugar levels, legumes have a rank in the healthier food list.
Carbohydrates for maintenance of blood volume
Glucose – electrolyte solutions have been used in intravenous injections for rehydration in hospitals. Dextran is a form of polysaccharide that maintains the fluid levels of blood by acting as volume expanders in case of hypovolemia. The presence of these sugars in high concentration attract water in the blood stream by osmosis thus increasing the blood volume.