We often take a balanced diet chart as an accessory when consulting a physician regarding health issues. However, that page has the potential to save us from a million diseases. Proper meals and adequately nutritious foods are what provide us with all the vitamins and minerals we need to maintain health. Mentioning one of these, Vitamin C is the pearl that not only keeps an eye on our bone and vessel health but also is the secret behind glassy fresh skin.
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) also termed as “Versatile vitamin” has been found beneficial in the control and cure of infectious diseases such as Tuberculosis, Streptococcal infections, allergic reactions etc. Even mega doses of Vitamin C were thought to prevent and cure common cold in the past owing to the fact that Ascorbic acid elevates leukocyte function. Ascorbate has the ability of addressing the general metabolic functions of osteoid, dentine and mesenchymal tissue.
The following is your checkpoint to identify if you have vitamin c deficiency.
1. Gum Bleeds and Bruises:
Do your wounds heal too slowly? Or you get gum bleeds frequently? Do you get purplish patches on your skin due to bruising? All these are pointers for ascorbate deficiency. In fact the very first disease known to be associated with diet was ‘scurvy’ that lead to subcutaneous leakage of blood due to capillary fragility forming petechiae and ecchymoses on limbs. Other symptoms included gum disease and poor wound healing. The disease was annexed with the deficient reducing agent Vitamin C impairing post translational modification of proteins as well as collagen synthesis.

2. Lethargic and Anemic:
Do you often feel weak and tired even without exertion? Or get dizzy when standing up from chair? Or are pale unusually and always experience shortness of breath? This anemic state of the body is pictured as iron deficiency anemia. Vitamin C is in charge of enhancing the iron absorption. The reducing property of the vitamin that keeps iron in ferrous form rather than ferric stores it in the form of ferritin in the body. Low iron level is the most common nutritional cause of anemia especially in young children, menstruating adolescents, pregnant and postpartum women.

3. Low resistance to infectious diseases:
Do you have decreased immunocompetence? Or are you suffering complications with even minor infections? The defense soldiers of our body also known as immunoglobulins and leukocytes are boosted by Vitamin C in their synthesis as well as function. Without these warriors, the body would be vulnerable to attack by even the trivial infectious agents. Exhibiting its antioxidant property, Vitamin C has a preventive action on chronic diseases such as cancer, cataract, and coronary heart diseases.

4. Unusual body symptoms:
Are you experiencing sudden unusual weight gain with painful joints? Or are you nails transforming into the brittle ones that crack easily? This can also potentially be due to ascorbate deficiency causing poor bone health along with decreased padding of collagen. The role of Vitamin C in growth and repair of tissues is so crucial that back in the days, some mariners used to carry lime with them due to its high content of ascorbate. Nail enamel may also receive poor nutrition due to rupture of underlying blood vessels due to loss of cementing substance of vessel walls. Hair loss is another symptom as collagen integrity subsides. Obesity is also contraindicated as vitamin C has the involvement in the mobilization of fat. However, this alone cannot point to Vitamin C deficiency and other symptoms must be checked for before making the diagnosis.

5. Dry and pruritic skin:
Is you skin too dull and dry to look beautiful? Or is your mood always unhappy? For sure, this could be due to Ascorbate deficiency in diet. While all those brands are busy promoting their Vitamin C serums for attractive glassy skin, let’s take an insight of its correlation. This magical vitamin has the capability of revitalizing old, worn out tissue and hence, keeping the skin youthful. Ascorbate also protects against the harmful ultraviolet rays. Especially the epidermis needs loads of vitamin c for nourishment.

Tests for the detection of vitamin c deficiency
- Excretion test – For this, administer a test dose of 5mg/lb. of body weight to the patient. If 50% or more is excreted in 24 hours, results are negative.
- Skin patch test – Tighten the blood vessel in the arm to stop venous flow by a tourniquet or a tight band. If purplish patches appear under the skin, Vitamin C deficiency persists.
Sources of Vitamin C:
Citrus fruits, cabbage, spinach, gooseberry, tomatoes, potatoes etc.

Since vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, vegetables need to be washed first and then cut to avoid the loss of vitamin. Water soluble vitamins are also lost if cooked food water is thrown away.
To sum up, ascorbic acid is a vital component of our body. Its function in the maturation of erythrocytes, synthesis of corticosteroid hormone, catecholamines, serotonin etc. is where it becomes a necessity for good health. However, megadose have a little lead to urinary stone formation. So an adequate amount is essential to maintain well being.
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